( Ustad allauddin khan life story) उस्ताद अलाउद्दीन खां की जीवन कथा

उस्ताद अलाउद्दीन खां ही ऐसे व्यक्ति थे जिनको स्वयं संगीत-विद्या ग्रहण करने में अनेक कष्ट सहने पड़े, किन्तु वे सुपात्र को बड़ी सरलता और उदारता के साथ विद्या-दान देते थे आपके निवास स्थान पर बहुत दूर-दूर से शिक्षार्थी आते थे और वहाँ रहकर संगीत-शिक्षा ग्रहण करते थे। आप केवल अच्छे सरोद-वादक ही नहीं, बल्कि कुशल वायलिन, सुरबहार और सितार-वादक भी थे। इतना ही नहीं, आप सभी वाद्य अच्छी तरह बजाते और सिखाते थे उस्ताद अलाउद्दीन का जन्म सन् 1870 में त्रिपुरा के शिवपुर ग्राम में हुआ। पिता का नाम साधु खाँ तथा बाबा का नाम मदार खाँ था। आपके पिता को संगीत से बड़ा अनुराग था। वे सितार बजाते थे और उन्होंने सितार-शिक्षा कासिम अली खाँ से प्राप्त की थी। जिस समय साधु खाँ सितार बजाते, बालक अलाउद्दीन पास बैठकर ध्यान से सुनते और स्वयं कुछ गुनगुनाने लगते। इस प्रकार आपको संगीत सीखने की प्रेरणा अपने पिता से मिली जो दिन-प्रति-दिन बढ़ती ही गई। एक पाठशाला में आपका नाम लिखवा दिया गया, किन्तु पढ़ने-लिखने में आपका मन नहीं लगा और पाठशाला छोड़ दिया। उसके बाद आप में कलकत्ता जाकर संगीत सीखने की धुन सवार हुई। उम्र भी कम थी, लेकिन आप बहुत दृढ़ प्रतिज्ञा थे। घर से निकल पड़े और कोलकाता जा पहुँचे। वहाँ पेट भरने का कोई साधन नहीं था, सिवा इसके कि भिखारियों के साथ निःशुल्क भोजन ग्रहण करते। पुरानी कहावत है कि मरता क्या न करता। दिन में एक बार भोजन करके ही संतुष्ट रहते। सौभाग्यवश आपकी भेंट स्व0 गोपाल कृष्ण भट्टाचार्य से हुई. जिनसे आपने गायन सीखना शुरु किया। इसी बीच आप वहाँ स्व0 नन्दा बाबू से संबला और पखावज की शिक्षा लेते रहे। सात वर्षों तक सिखाने के बाद गोपाल कृष्ण की मृत्यु हो गई। कुछ दिनों के बाद आपका परिचय स्वामी विवेकानन्द के भाई अमृत लाल दत्त से, जिन्हें लोग हव्यो दत्त कहते थे, हुआ उनसे आपने वायलिन, क्लेरिनेट और बांसुरी बजाना सीखा। इतना सब कुछ सीखने के बाद भी आपकी संगीत-पिपासा शांत नहीं हुई और आप सदैव कुछ और सीखने के लिये लालायित रहते थे आपकी भेंट दमदम, कोलकाता के स्व० अहमद अली खाँ से हुई। वे अपने समय के एक प्रसिद्ध सरोद-वादक थे। उनसे सीखने के लिये आपने प्रत्येक प्रकार के कष्ट सहे और बड़ी सेवा की । यहाँ तक कि उनके यहाँ खाना बनाने और घरेलू नौकर का भी काम किया बहुत सेवा करने के बाद अहमद खाँ आपसे जब बहुत खुश हुये तब आपको सरोद सिखाने लगे। कुछ समय के पश्चात् वे आपको रामपुर (उत्तर प्रदेश) ले गये और बोले कि जो कुछ मुझे आता था मैंने सिखा दिया, अब तुम उस्ताद वजीर खाँ से सीखो।' इतना कहकर वे वहाँ से चले गये और आपको अपने भाग्य के भरोसे छोड़ दिया। Ustad Ala-ud-din Khan was the only person who had to suffer many difficulties in accepting music, but he used to donate his education with great ingenuity and generosity to the disciples, learners from far and wide came to your residence. Used to take music education. You were not only a good sarod-maestro, but also a skilled violin, surbahar and sitar-maestro. Not only this, all of you used to play and teach instruments well, Ustad Alauddin was born in 1870 in Shivpur village of Tripura.Father's name was Sadhu Khan and Baba's name was Madar Khan. Your father had a great affection for music. He used to play sitar and received sitar education from Kasim Ali Khan. The time Sadhu Khan used to play sitar, the child Alauddin would sit and listen carefully and would start humming something himself. In this way, you got the inspiration to learn music from your father, which grew day by day. Your name was written in a school, but you did not mind reading and writing and left school.After that, you went to Calcutta to learn the music. Age was also short, but you were very firm vows. Got out of home and reached Kolkata. There was no means to fill the stomach, except that they would eat free food with beggars. There is an old saying that who would not have died. Once a day, you would remain satisfied by eating food. Luckily you met late Gopal Krishna Bhattacharya. With whom you started learning singing.In the meantime, you continued to learn about Sambala and Pakhawaj from Late Nanda Babu. Gopal Krishna died after teaching for seven years. After a few days you got introduced to Amrit Lal Dutt, the brother of Swami Vivekananda, whom people called Havya Dutt, you learned to play violin, clarinet and flute. Even after learning all this, your music and music did not calm down and you were always eager to learn something and you met Late Ahmed Ali Khan of Dum Dum, Kolkata. He was a famous sarod maestro of his time.To learn from them, you had to endure every kind of suffering and did great service. Even he worked as a cook and domestic servant here, after much service, Ahmad Khan started teaching you sarod when he was very happy with you. After some time, he took you to Rampur (Uttar Pradesh) and said that I had taught him what I knew, now you should learn from Ustad Wazir Khan. Having said this, he left from there and left you with his fate. Meanwhile Rampur The Nawab returned home after taking higher education from abroad. After seeing the foreign playing tradition abroad, he made an orchestra here. In that you got an opportunity to play Bella. Everyone was pleased with your play. From that time, you gradually started getting fame, but the sense of learning in you did not decrease. From time to time, you would do concerts at your place of residence and invite good singer-players.The Nawab returned home after taking higher education from abroad. After seeing the foreign playing tradition abroad, he made an orchestra here. In that you got an opportunity to play Bella. Everyone was pleased with your play. From that time, you gradually started getting fame, but the sense of learning in you did not decrease. From time to time, you would do concerts at your place of residence and invite good singer-players.He thus collected a repository of singing and playing. One day when Wazir Khan told you that your training is complete, now the trip will be beneficial for you, then you left Rampur with the blessings of Guru and went to Calcutta. There you gave your show and received praise. After a few days, you got a job in the state of Maihar, where you lived permanently. While working in the princely state, you visited countries like Italy, Belgium, France, America etc. with Uday Shankar's party. You were very interested in food. He taught his daughter Annapurna as sitar and Surbahar, son Ali Akbar as sarod and Pt. Ravi Shankar as sitar. Apart from these, Maestro Alauddin's mother showed many disciples with generosity.You broadcast your program from many music conferences and various stations of All India Radio. You have also received the President's Award. Despite being a Muslim, you were very sattvic and vegetarian. You had great faith in Sharada Devi of Maihar, who used to visit everyday. Many pictures of deities like Shri Ram, Krishna, Hanuman, Saraswati etc. would be kept in your house. You have received many awards abroad.Many of your violin, sarod and surbahar records have been made which are broadcast from All India Radio occasionally. He died on 6 September 1972 after a brief illness. The music world can never forget your musical loyalty and service.